Tuesday, October 7, 2014

passion blog

hey reader one thing that i am passionate about is graduating from high school and college. some things that i hate are being hell at, people talking behind my back, people who steel, and older kids bullying and yonger kids. some things that i would love to see are sharing with one other,student having a great day, and every acting their age. i love when people act their age because they are being mature. i love when people share things because sharing mean karing and karing mean sharing. i also love when student have a great day because sometimes it make my day good even if im having a bad day. i hate when kids steel from other because it show me that they have no heart; and what goes around come around. when students bully that show me that they been bully before once in their life. i alos hate when friends talk behind before it lets you that they are not your real friend.


  1. I like how your passion right now is to graduate. Everyone wants to make sure they graduate, and many of us wants to go to college... and yes! I hate people who bullies other people! Like why can't we all be happy and treat everyone nicely with respect? lol is it that hard? I honestly hate rude people. But people one thing I learned is don't pay mind to them and just make sure YOU are doing the right thing.

  2. Remember people are reading this blog! Capitalize the first letters of words and I. Use paragraphs to help people understand how you are organizing your blog post.

  3. I agree with your passion. I also want to graduate from college and continue my life and become successful. Also agree with the quote "what goes around comes around". It wont hurt the person doing it until later on down the road.
